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About Us

The German Association of Large Families (Verband kinderreicher Familien in Deutschland e.V.) was founded in 2011 by the initiative of committed multi-child families. It represents 1.4 million families with three children or more in Germany and takes a stand for their interests in the areas of politics, economy, and the media. The society considers itself as a network of multi-child families who support each other and want to raise the public’s awareness for their concerns. The KRFD is non-denominational and non-partisan.

Verband kinderreicher Familien in Deutschland e.V. (short: KRFD) promotes, protects, and supports large families wit many children in Germany. It acts selflessly and pursues charitable objectives exclusively. In line with the liberal-democratic constitution of the Federal Republic of Germany, the KRFD operates politically and religiously interdenominationally.

Who We Are

We are families who intentionally decided in favour of a life with three children or more. We live in cities where everything is close and can be easily reached. We live in small towns and villages where we need a car for the simplest things. We are married: We a single parent. We live in a patchwork family. We were born in Germany. We decided to live in Germany, because life brought us here. We are devout people and atheists. We are politically active as well as politically uninterested. Our children belong in every class of age from baby to student. Our kids are healthy. Our kids are ill and handicapped and have special needs. They are diligent and hate school. We have grandparents close-by to help. We rely on nannies or au-pairs. We manage everything on our own. We finished our education, we interrupted our apprenticeship or studies due to the kids. We want to finish them now. We have good jobs with a good salary to live off. Our jobs pay hardly enough to live on the breadline. That’s who we are. We reflect a diversity of families.

How We Started

Verband kinderreicher Familien in Deutschland e.V. (KRFD) was founded by a private initiative of a handfull large families who met for the first time in 2011 in Cologne and decided to improve the reputation of families with many children in the public. On January 29, 2021, the society celebrated its 10th anniversary and received congratulations from numerous personages of public life and politics, which attests to the importance and status our association has gained since then.

Eleven years after its foundation, the KRFD consists of more than 30,000 members. There are eleven state associations led by parents on a voluntary basis. The federal executive board is equally led voluntarily by members of every part of the country. Thanks to the diversified know-how of its members and the reliable work it is doing, the KRFD has gained supporters in several ministries on both the federal and national level.

What We Want

We want to change the perception of “family 3+” in Germany. Politics and the society, the media and science need to perceive us as natural part of the familial reality and consider the effects of their decisions on our everyday life. We want that the reality of life of more than seven million people will not be ignored as outdated, but be perceived as future-oriented model that deserves its rightful place among the variety of lifestyles in this country.

The decision for three children and more is a sustainable way of life which is chosen consciously and enriches our society. Growing up with siblings helps our children to become independent and cooperative adults who take other people’s concerns into consideration and possess perseverance. We want that having a third or fourth child will stop meaning that parents, especially mothers, refrain from any occupational development. Neither should it pose a risk of poverty or endanger parents’ safety in old age.

Raising children lovingly is a fundamental contribution to our society’s future viability that needs to be recognised. We want a society that welcomes families with many children.

We Help Ourselves

The KRFD sees itself as a cluster of all kinds of experiences and best practice examples which it uses to help families in the same situation or with a similar problem. We offer advice via telephone and email if expert advice is needed. We organise regular online meetings to learn from experts and ask them for advice. We put families in similar situations in contact with each other or arrange for a chaperone if an appointment needs to be kept and no one is there to look after and play with the children. Current topics, opinions and suggestions can be shared via our social media channels. We understand the needs of "family3+" and we want to help!

How We Work

We are organised as federal association with several state associations. Most of the work is done on an honorary basis. We live on good ideas, the time we can spare and the diverse expert knowledge which our members contribute on the different levels. We are financed by donations, voluntary membership fees as well as national and federal funding, all of which allows us to take on different projects. These projects are defined by the hardships and needs of our members.

Although the members of the executive board are scattered across the whole country, our work is not affected. We rely on team spirit as well as a constructive climate of discussion and profit from the various perspectives of our members. What unites us despite all the differences are our families. That’s the common basis between all of us.